about me

Hi, my name is Chris...

I am a creative entrepreneur from Burgenland, Austria, and have been managing a variety of innovative projects in the fields of web, graphics, and development since 2009. With years of experience, I am well-versed in the intricacies of the internet and its offshoots. In addition to my main activities, I support numerous creative artists, such as the musicians The OverAlls, This is not Mailand, and PannBayBastards, and sponsor events like the Slash Film Festival, Future-/DreamAs Lounge, and TEDx Pannonia.

I have worked for clients in the fields of web, graphics, and advertising, including Skyability GmbH, Vinea Resort Ritzing, AutBack, DreamAs Lounge, renowned photographer Manfred Baumann, K25 Neue Medien, and many more. My portfolio includes the management of over 60 clients, and I have a large network of external partners and excellent contacts within the Austrian startup and creative scene.

Since 2009, I have supported musicians and artists by creating live photos, videos, websites, logos, concepts, and flyers. Over the years, I have produced photos and videos for numerous national musicians and artists during live performances, such as The OverAlls, NA15, Cherry Bomb, This is not Mailand, Black Inhale, Auf Pomali, and many more.

In addition to my creative work, I also manage various side projects, such as the in-house Typo3 Intranet, the social media travel guide ‚Wicked Places‘ for curious destinations, and the ClearFearGame.

about my work

Awards & Achievements

  • Nomination for CESA National-Award with PanLab (Category: Coworking) 2016
  • Winner of myBizz Pitching Case Study „zum scharfen Rene“ 2016
  • Winner of the Award for Innovative Ideas 2015 „Forum Burgenland“
  • Speaker at TEDxPannonia 2013 „How to become a fearless warrior“
  • Speaker at Fear&Fail Conference Slovenia „How I failed at a fail conference“ 2013
  • Nomination for eAward National Finals 2012 (eAward Austria)
  • 2nd Place eAward Burgenland 2012 (eAward Burgenland)
  • Nomination for the Award „Innovation Burgenland 2012“
  • Winner of the FITCE Austrian Young Engineer Award 2007 (www.fitce.at)
  • Awarded as „FITCE Best International Young Presenter 2007“ (www.fitce.org)